HoMewoRk: 8 Habits

T hanks to Fiz and also Bdh, okay let see what my 8 habits are:
1. Sleeping, is one of my favorite habit why? Namanya juga tidur ya pastinya enak coz aku bisa rileks and istirahatlah pastinya.
2. Love in Heaven, serial korea yang saban hari aku puter…well the best one so far among others, sehari kelewat serasa ada yang kurang...
3. Access the internet everyday, even only few minutes paling nggak manfaatin fasilitas kantorlah atawa ngacir ke warnet :D
4. Bakso, hemm kalo bole si saban hari beli si trus dikasi sambal,kecap and saos wah sedap..cuman yah harus dibatesin demi kesehatan..

5. Oke what else? Let me think..mmm Avatar, even nggak saban hari bisa ngikutin ni serial, tapi salah satu habitku akhir-akhir ini…I’m going to hunt the DVD
6. Swimming…olahraga yang aku sering lakuin walopun kalo pas ada yang ngajakin ke pool yg gretongan hehehe…
7. Hang out with friends, namanya ngumpul ma temen paling asiklah,,,seminggu sekali juga nggak papa yang penting bisa ketemu and share anything :)
8. Reading…love to read anything, terutama yang mengandung informasi bermanfaat, trusan baca novel..:)

Done, nggak terlalu macem-macem kok coz I am just an ordinary person…let pass this to others…yang berminat silaken saja

Ups, I will share the rules as well yah:
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read ur blog.

Oke guys, please do the same yah…come on it is just for fun ;)
Sebetulnya si mau pass ke temen2, cuman sudah banyak yang dapet hehehhe...


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